"Than these skies is no sky lovelier. The clouds are deep; into their grey the subtle spies of colour creep, changing their high austerity to delight, till ev'n the leaden interfolds are bright"- John Freeman- 'November Skies'
Here's few tracks to cosy up to infront of the fire place.
Joel Harries is a young singer from Northampton, with a magical voice that dances over the top of alt-country plucking. He also plays in
My First Tooth.
Samuel Kirk is one of the best live acts I've ever seen. Intelligent lyricism coupled with a delightful voice and a magical ukelele.
'Woody Brown River' is one of the
Guillemots best songs yet, up there with
'Little Bear' & '
Redwings'. Truly beautiful music.
You may have heard
Slow Moving Millie on the Televisual device, as it's her track 'Beast's that's been accompanying Virgin Media's recent ad campaign.
Ohbijou make melodic, layered indie-folk music, with
'We Lovers' being a slightly more downtempo track that just warms you deep inside.
'Beauty' by
The Shivers is really the only word for it.
Whilst driving around France, the perfect soundtrack to the beautiful company and countryside was
Lewis & Clarke.
'Petrified Forest' is not only a beautifully named track, but it's a phenomenal, natural creation from a truly exceptional band.
'Sector 5 Slums' is an instrumental from
The Columbia is Lost's album
St. Anthony's Fire. I cannot recommend this album enough! If you like this track, check out
'Peter Pan Over the Bronx'Spokes play with an intensity that is bewitching to watch, creating a sound "as natural to the band as breathing"
(Drowned In Sound)Weird Tapes are the best thing to happen to music this year. Fact.
1. Joel Harries- 'Howling'
http://www.zshare.net/download/6841311112eea955/2. Samuel Kirk- 'The Forest'
http://www.zshare.net/audio/684132453fdecbeb/3. Guillemots- 'Woody Brown River'
http://www.zshare.net/audio/6841336109483a00/4. Slow Moving Millie- 'Beasts'
http://www.zshare.net/audio/684135531f15d435/5. Ohbijou- 'We Lovers'
http://www.zshare.net/audio/684136510b9ad71f/6. The Shivers- 'Beauty'
http://www.zshare.net/download/684137395feb66ab/7. Lewis & Clarke- 'Petrified Forest'
http://www.zshare.net/download/68414280c77c85c5/8. The Columbia Is Lost- 'Sector 5 Slums'
http://www.zshare.net/download/68414425c92dd5f5/9. Spokes- 'We Like To Dance & Steal Things'
http://www.zshare.net/audio/684147125eb2dbe7/10. Weird Tapes- 'TV Romance'